Online Registration

Instructions for Admission:

1. Registration does not guarantee admission.

2. The Application Form for Admission is to be submitted online. No requests shall be entertained at the school campus.

3. Applications with missing/incorrect information are liable to be rejected and selection canceled without information.

4. Admission is strictly subject to the availability of vacancies.

5. Fees for the session 2020-21 is as per following detail

Class Monthly Fees
LKG 4477
UKG 4356
I 4235
II 4114
III 3993
IV 3872
V 3751
VI 3630
VII 3751
VIII 3872
IX 3993
X 4114
XI 4235
XII 4356

One Time Admission Fees: 8176

Security Fees Refundable: 11880

6. Last Date For Submission Of The Online Admission Form Is 26-01-2020.

Entrance Test will be conducted on 23-02-2020 for students seeking admission in class II onward.